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Making Sense

What is this? There is nothing more off-putting to a potential buyer than a room or a space that just doesn’t make sense. Giving purpose to these ambiguous spaces can mean all the difference between a sale or no sale! Fun little nooks and alcoves are a great design tool and can add architectural elements and a sense of fun to a room. But, they can become more of a challenge if they don’t present

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Design With Intention

Design with intention

There are no mistakes. The key to any successful staging project is to develop an intentional, deliberate design plan. Our Designers use a keen eye to envision what exactly they want to do with a space. Understanding how the architect intended the space to be used; how potential buyers will likely use the space are key considerations to take into account. A specific floor plan is devised to act as a guide for the staging

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Photography & Function

Form follows function… Or so they say. But function is not always photogenic. One of the main reasons staging is such a strong tool in the home selling process is the alluring photography that first captures buyers attentions. However, how we live in a room, how a space is actually used, can create barriers to capturing these alluring images. Good staging should always endeavor to show true functionality of a space while creating a tableau

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Making the great room great again

We all long for wide open spaces. The great room. The sought after commodity that every home buyer hopes and dreams for. That dream home where friends and family can all congregate and make a house a home. Everyone wants their home to be known as “the place to be”! Style is cyclical, as is the way we use the spaces that we inhabit. When we moved out of the caves and started building structures for

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Mix Warm and Cool – the key to a friendly house

Using a mix of warm and cool tones is the key. With grey tones as popular as they continue to be, they can pose a challenge. Especially in March in the Pacific Northwest! To work with this palette we like to mix in warm tones. The rich gold and copper of the accent pieces give just the right amount of warmth to this bungalow. This warmth brings out the depth and color of the flooring.

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To rug or not to rug
Home Staging

To rug or not to rug

Area rugs are great! We use them to ground the furnishings in a room. They are a great way to introduce a color palette to a neutral space. Rugs help create a cozy feel and cut down on echo. In large open concept floor plans they help delineate and define usage areas. Rugs are a powerful tool to set the tone for the space as well. From a fluffy white rug to a bold geometric,

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Home Staging

Update your software

An easy way to redecorate and reinvigorate your home is to update your software. Accent pillows, area rugs, bedding, towels… all relatively inexpensive and easy ways to change your color scheme, and add pops of color. We use textiles in staging like a magic wand. Texture and color help to propagate a theme and create a cohesive feel throughout the entire house. Even in ultra-modern minimalist spaces, tone on tone accent pillows used in restraint give

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The geometry of staging
Home Staging

The geometry of staging

For thousands of years mathematicians, artists, architects, botanists and countless others have discovered and rediscovered the “golden ratio” Designer Le Corbusier was a devout follower of this principle in his designs. How do we apply his theories to staging? We often run into spaces that feel awkward, and cause the home to be unappealing to buyers. This is usually because the dimensions of the rooms fall outside of this geometric sweet spot and are either long and

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Home Staging Tips to Mind the Gap
Home Staging

Mind the gap

We often say that there is a fine line between staging and decorating. How you treat empty spaces is one of those. When decorating your home filling walls, rooms, shelves, and surfaces with your objet d’art is great! For staging purposes, we find empty spaces to be a useful tool to make a home feel more spacious, as well as help lead a buyer from room to room.

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Home Staging Purpose or Imagination
Home Staging

Purpose or imagination

We often come across ambiguous spaces, or rooms that are difficult to read. In some cases we find it necessary/beneficial to give purpose, or show use of a space. Showing buyers how a home functions can engage them with the home. Conversely, sometimes it is best to leave the use of a space up to the imagination of the buyer. If a room is given a specific use, buyers may not be able to see it

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